Weekly Announcements

Pastor Mike's Contact Information 

If you need to contact Pastor Mike for any reason (prayer/ pastoral care, etc...) his phone number is 330-696-6231. His email is Crosspointumcmike@gmail.com


Meeting Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is our of the office, and is using some vacation time. If you have a need that needs addressed, please contact someone from the leadership team.


Mark your calendars for September 15th as we prepare to celebrate the new school year. We will have a blessing of the backpacks during worship. If you are a student, feel free to bring your backpack if you use one. If not, or if you are a teacher or a school administrator, feel free to bring your laptop/ tablet or other item to have it be prayed over. Our JAM (Jesus And Me) will start back up for the children. We will also have fun things to do so look for more details to come!


Small Groups

Our small groups will return in a few weeks, including some new groups, so look for more details,

and find a group that interests you! There are groups covering a wide range of topics.



Celebrating Birthdays

We are going to start celebrating birthdays during our monthly Soup & Salad Luncheons each month. Please provide your name and birthdate if you would like to be included in our monthly luncheon celebrations!



Monthly Movie Night

We are starting a monthly movie night for adult church members and for any adults that you would like to invite. Please sign-up on the sheet in the back of the worship center, and include your name and phone number. A text will be sent out to those who sign- up at least one week prior to the movie. *Members are responsible for paying for their own movie tickets and any food or beverages.



Game Night

We are starting a Game Night for church members and those that you wish to invite. These will be quarterly events, with the first quarter being October/ November/ December. Please sign- up if you are interested inn attending, and if you would be interested in hosting a quarterly gamy night. The host for the quarter will choose the game for that evening.



We Are A Lighthouse Church

There are many United Methodist Churches and clergy that have disaffiliated from the United Methodist denomination.  The Leadership Board at Crosspoint has spent time in prayer, research, discernment, and conversation over the past year.  At this time, Crosspoint will remain a United Methodist Church. 

  Crosspoint is now a Lighthouse Church. This means that Pastor Mike and some members of the leadership board attended trainings to help us be ready to welcome United Methodists, and others that may have parted ways from their home churches due to disaffiliation. We will continue to be a church that works to Love God, Love Others and Serve others as we grow closer to God and others, and to be open to any and all people.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Pastor Mike, or anyone on the Leadership Board.



Online Worship adds a YouTube Option
We know worship is an important part of our life of faith.  We also know that not everyone is able to join us for in person worship.  At Crosspoint we offer both in person and online options for worship.  We currently Livestream our worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30 on www.facebook.com/crosspointumcjacksontownship and https://crosspoint-umc.freeonlinechurch.com/  We are now adding YouTube as an option.  You can follow this link, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHzj5ssDhZfPeAaJYNjnBrg/videos or you can go to YouTube and search CrosspointUMC.  Once on our channel you can subscribe.  By subscribing you can receive updates whenever we go live with a new video.  If you have any questions, you can contact Pastor Mike at 330-696-6231.



Crosspoint relies on the generosity and giving of each of us to continue to support the operation of our facilities and the ministries of our congregation.  Even though our ministries are making adjustments during this time, we will continue to rely on our offering to help us share God’s love in practical ways.  Many share their offering on Sunday while we are in worship together.  Since not everyone is meeting in person, we have made online giving available.  If you wish to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation you may do so by following this link (https://crosspointumc.breezechms.com/give/online). You may also mail your donation to the church (9687 Portage St. NW Massillon, Ohio 44646).  If you have any questions about your giving moving forward, please contact Katy Hoffman (330-417-0263). Thank you for your genericity to Crosspoint.


QR Code
Crosspoint is trying something new.  We are going to use a QR Code to provide a quick and easy way to access our weekly announcements.  Just scan the QR code with your smart phone camera app and it will send you to the announcement page on our website.  The QR Code will be posted around the building at Crosspoint, on our Facebook page and in our weekly announcement slides on Sunday Mornings.  If you have any questions, contact Katie Wells (330-418-7515).