
Crosspoint Halloween Costume Party


The children's ministry team is so excited to be hosting a Halloween Costume Party on October 20th at 2:00pm!

To RSVP, please fill out the form at this link: Halloween Party RSVP

Crosspoint Missions

Crosspoint has been collecting period products and incontinence products for men and women to be distributed to those in need monthly. One can donate physical products to the collection box at church. Monetary donations are also welcomed, and we can do the shopping!  We buy in bulk and divide them the Sunday prior to Faith Kitchen, which is the last Saturday monthly 9-noon.

Church Announcements


Please send any church related announcements to Kelly Lewis at by Thursday evening so that we can be sure to have them ready for our Sunday service. Thank you! 

Crosspoint Game Night


Our first game night will be hosted by the Passerini’s. Details on the date and time will be coming soon!

Crosspoint Hiking Group


Next week's hike will be on Saturday, October 19th, 10am at the Stark State Campus Trail (this hike was cancelled on Sept 27 due to bad weather). We will meet at 10am at the Convention Center parking lot just off University Dr. (the road connecting Frank Ave. and Dressler). A reminder will be sent out closer to the time. If you'd like to join this group, text Diana M.

Monthly Movie Night


Our next Crosspoint Movie Night is planned for October 29, 2024. Please contact Kelly Lewis if you would like to be added to the group text.  A text will be sent out to those who have signed up at least one week prior to the movie.   Movie - TBD.  

*Please note that members are responsible for purchasing their own movie ticket and any food and beverage. 

Church Luncheon


Come join us for some fellowship and good food at our next church luncheon on October 13, 2024.  We will be welcoming our interim pastor, Rich Darr, and celebrating those with October birthdays!  A sign up sheet will be at the back of the church if you plan to join us. 

Lighthouse Church


Crosspoint UMC is proud to be a Lighthouse church. Please read here for more information.

Worship Online

We know worship is an important part of our life of faith.  We also know that not everyone is able to join us for in person worship.  At Crosspoint we offer both in person and online options for worship every Sunday at 10:30am 

Join on online as we livestream our worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30am on and

Make a Donation

Crosspoint relies on the generosity and giving of each of us to continue to support the operation of our facilities and the ministries of our congregation.  Although some of our ministries are making adjustments during this time, we will continue to rely on our offering to help us share God’s love in practical ways.  Many share their offering on Sunday while we are in worship together.  Since we are not meeting in person at this time we have made online giving available.  If you wish to make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation you may do so by following this link